20 Feb 2022 (20:00 PM - 22:00 PM)

Silvana Grantcharova is a universal citizen born in Bulgaria in 1965.
At early age she became a professional basketball player representing Bulgaria in the women’s national team. She graduated with a master’s university degree in sports. Later, she completely changed her career to economics and banking with a university degree in banking. With 21 years of banking experience, of which 12 years at Citibank and 4 years working in London as an auditor and risk manager. Despite a good material life and career, there was a quest beyond material benefits and wealth.
Silvana learned the HUESA method in 2002 and in 2013 became the Representative of the HUESA centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the main HUESA hubs worldwide. She is one of the leading HUESA event organisers worldwide, a representative and instructor of the HUESA method. All her life Silvana has been contributing, as per her abilities, for peace, harmony and a higher consciousness, for herself and humanity, to make this world a better place to live and to preserve the beauty of our Planet Earth for the future generations. She has made many achievements in life, but her key achievement is to live in love, peace and harmony with herself and all her surroundings.
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A very inpiring event - thank you so much for reminding us about the importance and the divinity of breathing.