
To present the book “A BREATH INTO LIFE”.
Breathing is our inner technology for life. Our life is the journey between the first inhale and the last exhale. This journey begins with the first breath. The essence of our life is to enjoy this journey without waiting for its destination. We need to be conscious of each breath in this journey, as the last breath in this lifetime, will be the first breath in the next lifetime. Our first breath is when we exit our mother’s womb, and our last breath is when we enter back into the mother’s womb of the Universe, going back home into the void of existence.
Our health or educational system does not teach us how to breathe correctly and wholly. We learn everything in school, a vast knowledge, but not the fundamental of how to breathe correctly. If we know how to breathe correctly, our life will be more meaningful and miraculous. There are so many professions in which breathing is the key to perform this profession successfully. The art of breathing correctly is the art of doing this profession. Such professions relate to singing, playing some instruments, sports, politics, public speaking and many others. Breathing affects how your voice sounds. You can better voice yourself and your truth. Use your breath to support your words of wisdom, so they can be heard and what you say is the truth, what you say unite people through your breath.
During the IMP we will breathe together – inhale and exhale in a rhythm, to create the collective momentum, which will help to purify ourselves and the environment. Every breath that we take in, we are taking the suffering of others; every breath that we are sending, we send back joy, harmony and happiness. We are breathing anyway, so how we breathe consciously or unconsciously, it is up to us.

Reviews (2)

Patricia Smets

March 31, 2022, 3:11 a.m.

Useful and beautiful knowledge.

Andreas Dieges

Feb. 22, 2022, 7:56 a.m.

A very inpiring event - thank you so much for reminding us about the importance and the divinity of breathing.

Local Time

20 Feb 2022 (20:00 PM - 22:00 PM)

289/500 attended

This event was completed

Silvana Grantcharova

Silvana Grantcharova is a universal citizen born in Bulgaria in 1965.
At early age she became a professional basketball player representing Bulgaria in the women’s national team. She graduated with a master’s university degree in sports. Later, she completely changed her career to economics and banking with a university degree in banking. With 21 years of banking experience, of which 12 years at Citibank and 4 years working in London as an auditor and risk manager. Despite a good material life and career, there was a quest beyond material benefits and wealth.
Silvana learned the HUESA method in 2002 and in 2013 became the Representative of the HUESA centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the main HUESA hubs worldwide. She is one of the leading HUESA event organisers worldwide, a representative and instructor of the HUESA method. All her life Silvana has been contributing, as per her abilities, for peace, harmony and a higher consciousness, for herself and humanity, to make this world a better place to live and to preserve the beauty of our Planet Earth for the future generations. She has made many achievements in life, but her key achievement is to live in love, peace and harmony with herself and all her surroundings.